How to do an internship in an international country

Even before you start your career, as a student itself you can get hands-on work experience as an intern in a reputed company. In fact, today not just students, but also professionals look for such experience through internships. Other than gaining experience, people who look for internships also hope to get a job in the same company where they do their internship.

Internships Abroad
Internships on the global level is much sought after as you get exposure to how a company functions in different international settings. Through an internship abroad, you can get that much needed knowledge on how to fit in a local setting in another country, learn their culture, gain communication skills, etc and even perhaps be apply that knowledge back home in your own country. 

How to register for Global Internship?
There are 2 basic ways to land an internship abroad:
1. You can send an application to a company directly.
2. You can send an application to a company through an organisation which provides the facility to get an internshi.
One example of the second process is through AIESEC ( You can apply for an internship program if you are under 30 years of age. It is not necessary that you should be a student. Those who have completed their educational studies can also apply. Once you submit your application, you will be matched with a company in another country. If you are short-listed, you will likely be interviewed online (via Skype).

What are the costs incurred for global internship?
  1. You will need to pay for your flight tickets.
  2. You will need to have your own funds for daily expenses.
  3. The company may provide accommodation or make arrangements for you to stay with a local family (known as the host family).
What next on getting global internship?
  1. Do learn the local language.
  2. Do respect the country’s culture
  3. Do follow the country’s rules (such as those related to driving)
  4. Do abide by the rules of the host family & be sensitive to their way of life – don’t be a nuisance!
  5. Always be professional & interact with other interns – don’t act snooty & aloof.
Basic Tips for global internship
1. Everybody generally heads of the US or Canada or UK. Actually, you should look beyond these countries. You can get incredibly good internships in countries like the Czech Republic, Sweden, Romania, Vietnam, etc. Expand your horizons!

2. To make for easy visa processing, try to get an internship in a country which has a consulate in the city where you stay.


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