University of Mumbai recruitment of college Principal, Assistant Professors, Director Management Studies

Are you looking for career opportunities in the academic field in Maharashtra? The University of Mumbai invites applications from qualified candidates for various positions at its affiliated colleges. You need to submit your application in the prescribed format latest by 25th June, 2015.

 University of Mumbai job vacancies June 2015
1. Assistant Professor - B.Sc. IT
No. of vacancies: 1 SC + 1 Open
Location: Vijaylaxmi Vishwanath DalviMahavidyalaya, Talere, Tal. Kankavali, Dist. Sindhudurg.

2. Assistant Professor - BMS
No. of vacancies: 1 SC + 1 Open
Location: Vijaylaxmi Vishwanath DalviMahavidyalaya, Talere, Tal. Kankavali, Dist. Sindhudurg.

3. Assistant Professor - B.Sc.IT
No. of vacancies: 1 SC + 1 ST + 2 Open
Location:  Vishwabhushan Bharatratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya Ambadave, Tal. Mandangad, Dist. Ratnagiri.

3. Assistant Professor - BMS
No. of vacancies: 1 Open
Location:  Vishwabhushan Bharatratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Mahavidyalaya Ambadave, Tal. Mandangad, Dist. Ratnagiri.

The above vacancies have been advertised in the Hindustan Times (Mumbai edition), dt. 12/06/2015, page 11. In addition, at its official website the University of Mumbai has listed the following vacancies in the careers section:

1. Principal
Location:  Model Degree, Adarsh College, Ambadave, Mandangad, Model Degree, Adarsh College, Talere, Kankavli and Thane Campus (Law)
Eligibility criteria: 
  • You should have a  Master‟s Degree with at min. 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) by a recognized University.  
  • You should have a Ph.D. Degree in the  concerned/allied/relevant discipline(s) in the institution concerned with evidence of published work and research guidance.  
  • You should have held the post of Associate Professor/Professor with a total experience of 15 years of teaching/research/administration in Universities, Colleges and other institutions of higher education.  
2. Director (Management Studies)
Location: Thane Campus
Eligibility criteria: 
  • You should have a 1st class or equivalent in Masters Degree in Business Administration or equivalent and Ph.D. or equivalent in appropriate discipline. Desirable: Post Ph.D publications and guiding Ph.D students. 
  • You should have at least 10 years experience in teaching / Research /Industrial out of which at least 3 years are at the level of Professor or minimum of 13 years experience in Teaching and / or Research and/or Industry in case of research experience. 
  • You must have leadership and management skills. 
3. Principal
Location: Community College (Hotel Management)
Eligibility criteria: 
  • The qualifications required are the same as for Asst. Professor.
  • You should have at least 10 years teaching and / or Research and/ or Industrial experience, out of which minimum 5 years should be at the level of Professor or minimum of 13 years experience in teaching and/or research  and/or Industry.
  •  Desirable: Post Ph.D publications and guiding Ph.D students. 
  • You must have have leadership and management skills. 
4. Assistant Professor
Location: Lok Kala Academy
Fields: Music, performing arts, visual arts and other traditional Indian Art Forms, such as sculpture, etc. 
Eligibility criteria: 
  • You should have a good academic record with at least 55% marks (or an equivalent grade in a point scale wherever grading system is followed) at the Master‟s Degree level, in the relevant subject or an equivalent degree from an Indian/Foreign University.
  • You should have cleared the National Eligibility Test (NET) for lecturers  conducted by the UGC, CSIR, or similar test accredited by the UGC (not be required for such Masters programs in disciplines for which NET/SLET/SET is not conducted) OR you should be a traditional and a professional artist with highly commendable professional achievement in the concerned subject.
How to apply
  • Applications should be submitted only in the prescribed format which can be downloaded from: The application form and details of qualifications, specialization, experitenc etc. are available at the University website:
  • If you are already employed, you should send your application through the proper channel or submit an NOC from your employer when you attend the interview.  
  • Note that an incomplete application and application on plain paper will not be considered. Convincing direct or indirect will also be a disqualification. 
  • Send 2 copies of the application in the prescribed form together with attested copies of
    certificates in an envelope superscribed with names of the posts applied for so as to reach the Registrar, University of Mumbai, First Floor, Fort, Mumbai - 400032.  Send a crossed Demand Draft on a Nationalized bank for the amount of Rs. 500/- for Open  category and Rs. 300/- for SC/ST/DT and NT categories drawn in favour of Finance and Accounts Officer, University of Mumbai.
    Last date for receipt of application: 25th June, 2015.


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