Elphinstone College Mumbai walk in interviews for Lecturers and Office Staff

Looking for job vacancies in a Mumbai College? Elphinstone College Mumbai has issued a recruitment notification for hiring qualified candidates for the positions of Lecturers in various Department and subjects. There are also vacancies for office staff.

For the academic year 2016-2017, Elphinstone College Mumbai is conducting walk-in interviews for the following posts as per the schedule mentioned. The posts of Lecturers are on contract basis / clock hour basis.

B.Sc. IT Department
Following posts are on contract basis:
1. Lecturer
Subjects & Qualification: M.Sc. (IT) / M.Sc. (Comp Sc.) / M.C.A. / M.Sc. (Physics) / M.Sc. (Maths)
Date of interview: 8th June 2016

2. Clerk
Qualification: B.Com. with Govt. recognized Computer Course
Skills: Marathi typewriting @ 30w.p.m.
Date of interview: 18th June 2016

3. Hardware Technician
Qualification: Diploma in Hardware and Networking
Date of interview: 18th June 2016

B.Sc. Biotechnology Department
Following posts are on contract basis:
1. Lecturer
Subjects & Qualification:M.Sc. (Biotech/Life Science/Botany/Zoology/Micro./Biochem)
Date of interview: 9th June 2016

2. Clerk
Qualification: B.Com. with Govt. recognized Computer Course
Skills: Marathi typewriting @ 30w.p.m.
Date of interview: 18th June 2016

3. Lab Assistant
Qualification: B.Sc. Chemistry
Date of interview: 18th June 2016

Lecturers on Clock Hour Basis 
1. Commerce
Qualification: M.Com.
Date of interview: 10th June 2016

2. Marathi/English/Hindi/Political Science
Qualification: M.A.
Date of interview: 13th June 2016

3. Chemistry/Statistics
Qualification: M.Sc.
Date of interview: 14th June 2016

4. Physics/Botany/Zoology/Microbiology
Qualification: M.Sc.
Date of interview: 15th June 2016

5. Maths/Computer Science/Electronics
Qualification: M.Sc.
Date of interview: 16th June 2016

6. Psychology/Sociology/Geography/History
Qualification: M.A.
Date of interview: 17th June 2016

7. Physical Education
Qualification: M.P.Ed.
Date of interview: 17th June 2016

Contact information
Elphinstone College
156, M.G. Road,
Mumbai - 400032
Ph: 022-2243797/22844060
Email: elphinstone1856@gmail.com


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