USISTEF call for Endowment Fund proposals June 2017

United States–India Science & Technology Endowment Fund (USISTEF) has been set up by the Dept. of Science & Technology, Govt. of India and the Department of State, United States of America to promote joint collaborative ventures which would lead to technological entrepreneurship through the application of science & technology.

The goal of the Endowment Fund is to select & financially support promising U.S.-India entrepreneurial initiatives which focus on the theme of 'Commercializing Technologies for Societal Impact' through a competitive grants program.

The Funding
The Grant size is up to INR2.50 crores or approximately US$400,000. [Grants will be in INR only]

Who can apply
Bi-national Indo-U.S. teams of entrepreneurs and innovators can apply, having an innovative product or technology which is beyond the idea stage. It should have high societal impact and have significant potential to commercialize within two to three years.

Eligibility requirements
1. The proposals must include a minimum of one partner each from India and the U.S.
2. The Bi-national team can include:
  • Incorporate companies, including start-ups
  • OR
  • Non-incorporated companies
  • OR
  • Individuals or consortia from academia, Government labs, non-government R&D institutions.
Priority Areas
  • It supports the development of affordable biomedical devices, diagnostic/preventive/curative measures or food and nutrition products to improve health.
  • It supports efforts to reduce the digital/technology divide. This could include information and communication technologies with societal impact in areas such as water, agriculture, financial inclusion, and education, among other areas.
Note: Promising applicaions in areas other than the above-mentioned areas may also be considered.

Submission deadline: 31st July 2017

For more information visit: or

[Source of information posted here: Hindustan Times, Mumbai edition, 1st June 2017, page 17.]


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