Maple International School Bhadra recruitment of Vice Principal, Teachers, Administrator

Are you looking for administration or teaching opportunities in Rajasthan? Maple International School, Bhadra, Rajasthan has advertised for teaching opportunities for qualified candidates along with vacancies for other positions. Resume can be sent via email.

List of vacancies
1. NTT, PRT and TGT for all subjects.

2. Vice Principal

3. Administrator

4. Sports Teacher

5. Art & Craft

6. Music

7. Dance

8. Computer Teacher

What is offered: Salary is no bar for the deserving candidates. Lodging and boarding is free.

How to apply
Mail your resume with a photo at:

For details call: 8192900900 / 8107825608

[Reference: Times of India, Mumbai, 27/12/2018, page 8]


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