Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya, Gwalior recruitment of Teachers, Coaches, Jr Engineer

Searching for teaching jobs in Gwalior? Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya, Gwalior has immediate openings for qualified candidates for teaching posts as well as for non-academic posts and staff. Apply within 7 days.

List of vacancies
1. Economics & Business Studies Teacher: Postgraduate with B.Ed. with min. 5 years’ experience.
2. House Mother: Graduate, single ladies who are fluent in English.
3. Resident Nurse: B.Sc. (Nursing) with 1-2 years of experience and fluency in English.
4. NIS Coaches for Basketball, Athletics (track), Yoga, Lawn Tennis, Table Tennis.
5. Jr. Engineer for construction.
How to apply
Forward your resume to the Principal on with the last salary drawn and the total experience within 7 working days. 
Contact details: 0751—2322137/7879832160/Fax: 0751-02334080.

R[eference: TOI, Mumbai, 13th Feb.2019, page 8.]


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