Army Institute of Law Mohali Entrance Test Schedule for BA LLB program 2019

Army Insitute of Law (AIL), Mohali has issued the notification for admission to the 2019 B.A., L.L.B. five-year course through a computer-based Law Entrance Test (LET). Interested candidates should submit online applications for the test latest by 14th May 2019.

The online entrance test is for 64 seats, out of which 60 seats are for the wards of Army Personnel and four seats are of All India General Category. The test will be conducted at 50 centres in India. Details of the Exam Centres can be checked at the official website.

1. Online application-cum-admission form is available from 20th April 2019.
2. Last date to submit the application-cum-admission form along with Rs.3000/-: 14th May 2019.
3. Last date with an additional late fee of Rs.1000/-: 17th May 2019.
4. Downloading of Admit Card: 2nd June 2019 to 8th June 2019.
5. Date of Entrance Tes: 8th June 2019, 8 a.m. to 11 a.m.
6. Declaration of Result: 14th June 2019.
7. Counseling-cum-Admission for Army and All-India Civil category: 17th July 2019, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at AIL, Mohali.
8. Reporting of students for classes: 18th July 2019.

Additional Schedule
Punjab Residents' Civil Category Admission for 16 seats will be conducted by Punjab University, Patiala as per the notification of the Govt. of Punjab.

Contact information
For any queries call the Helpline No. 022-61087537/8054054502, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on all the working days. 

Address: Army Institute of Law (AIL), Sector-68, Mohali-160062.
Campus Ph.: 0172-5095336-38 / Fax: 0172-5039280.



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