Govt. Certificate Professional Course on LED Light Manufacturing in Mumbai January 2022

The Institute for Design of Electrical Measuring Instruments (IDEMI), Mumbai, which is under the aegis of the Ministry of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises, Govt. of India, is offering a two-day course in LED Light Manufacturing in Mumbai. In addition to providing technical consultancy services, and designing and manufacturing components and tools for electrical, electronics, and process control instruments, IDEMI also offers comprehensive training programs and professional educational programs. including short-term and long-term courses. An upcoming short-term program is a Government Certificate Professional Course in LED Light Manufacturing.

About the course

The course is for two full days from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., offering hands-on practice of making LED lights and Tube lights. It does not matter whether or not you have an academic or professional background in engineering or whether you are an industrialist or not. Anyone who is interested in starting a venture in the field of LED bulbs can attend the course.

Course dates: 29th and 30th January 2022.

Venue: IDEMI- Swatantyaveer Tatya Tope Marg, Eastern Exp Highway, Opp. Everard Nagar Bus Stop, Sion, Chunabhatti Mumbai - 400022.

The course modules include-

  • Basics of LED
  • Basics of PCB
  • LED Driver
  • Basics of Soldering
  • Types of components used in the lights
  • Fitting of components
  • Testing of illumination
  • Source of materials and procuring these materials
  • Packing and packaging materials
  • Marketing products
  • Government subsidy schemes

Eligibility criteria

As mentioned earlier, anyone can apply for the course, irrespective of educational qualifications. Even retired persons can apply. The only requirement is that you should have basic computer knowledge, that is, be able to use a computer, and should be able to download software.

Course fee

The course fee is Rs.4720/- (including GST). Lunch and tea will also be provided, the cost of which is included in this fee.

How to register

You can enroll online at

Documents required- Copy of Aadhar Card, Documents of Educational Qualifications, and two passport size photos.

Contact information


Ph: 8806614948/8600869044/7709108634



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