Helen Keller Institute Mumbai Teacher Training Diploma Course for Deafblind

The Helen Keller Institute for Deaf and Deafblind offers a teacher training Diploma Course in Special education for Deafblind. This course is of two years' duration and includes an internship as well. Both theoretical and practical aspects are covered. The Diploma course is recognized by the Rehabilitation Council of India and is affiliated to the National Institute for the Visually Handicapped, Dehradun.

Duration of Course
Two years of classroom instruction and practice with 360 working days. There will be an internship at the sponsoring agency or in any program for Deafblind/ Multiple Handicap Unit. An educational tour to attend related programs outside Mumbai will be scheduled for about three to five days

Medium of instruction: English and Hindi.

Evaluation: In addition to exams every third month, there will also be an evaluation of practical work. There is an end of term written exam with Viva Voce.
Eligibility for the course
You must have a Higher Secondary or equivalent with minimum 50% marks from a recognised Board.
The following requirements are desirable:
1. Teaching experience of minimum one year in any special school.

2. Diploma or Degree in Special Education in Hearing Impairment, Visual Impairment or Mental Retardation or Montessori/KG Course.

3. A sponsorship letter from an NGO or agency willing to absorb the trainee after successful completion of the Diploma.

Mode of Selection: Written Test and Personal Interview 

Contact Information
Course Co-ordinator
Training Center for Teachers of the Deafblind
Helen Keller Institute for Deaf & Deafblind,
Aditya Birla Centre, CC-1, TTC, MIDC,
Shil Mahape Rd., 
Navi Mumbai - 400710
Ph: 2778 2193 / 2214 / 2108
Email: hkidb.mumbai@gmail.com  
Website: https://www.hkidb-mumbai.org/diploma_in_special_education.php


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