PAT/PHT/PUT/BNYS Rajasthan Joint Entrance Test 2013

Dr.S.R.Rajasthan Ayurved University, Jodhpur invites online applications for admission to the Ayurved, Homeopathic, Unani, BNYS graduation courses offered by the State colleges and private colleges in the State of Rajasthan. Admissions will be made on the basis of the Joint Entrance Test 2013, to be held on 30th May 2013.

Details of the Entrance Test
Admissions for the Ayurved course being run by the National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur and for the Homeopathic, Unani & Naturopathy faculties will be made through the Joint Entrance test conducted at the National level, for which the residents of all States in India can apply for admissions. However, for admission to all the remaining Ayurved colleges, only bonafide residents of Rajasthan may apply for the Joint Entrance Exam.

How to Apply
Online application forms will be available up to 10th May 2013, 5p.m. Note that once confirmation of application form is done, no corrections will be accepted.
Mode of Payment
You must deposit the application form fee in any Nationalized Bank through NEFT in the University Bank account. The fee is Rs.1,500/- for General & OBC candidates & Rs.750 for SC/ST candidates. The challan can be generated from the University website before depositing the fee.
Contact Information
Dr.S.R.Rajasthan Ayurved University Admn.Office
Kadwad Village
Nagour Road,
Jodhpur – 342037
Ph: 0291-5153715


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