Aakanksha Lions School for Mentally Handicapped Raipur Chhattisgarh

The Aakanksha Lions School for Mentally Handicapped Raipur Chhattisgarh was set up in 1994 for children who are mentally challenged. The school has a daycare center as well as 3 OPD wings. The school conducts an RCI-affiliated course for Diploma in Special Education (Mental Retardation) and short-term courses. Vocational training for mentally challenged adults is also conducted.

About the School
The school currently has children in various categories, including mental retardation, autism, cerebral palsy, and multiple disabilities. Special educators provide them need-based education. There are 8-10 students in each class and training is provided based on the checklist prescribed by NIMH (FACP). 

Reading, writing and arithmetic methods are used for academics. Co-curricular activities include: yoga/physical exercises, arts & crafts, dance, outdoor and indoor games and sport. Evaluation of skills of a student is done on a quarterly basis and final evaluation is done at the end of the year.

Aakanksha Lions School for Mentally Handicapped Raipur

The school has 3 OPD Wings:
1. The Remedial teaching wing caters to those children who cannot join the daycare center on a full-time basis or who are enrolled with the normal schools but have minor problems – physical, psychological or behavioral.

2. The Physiotherapy unit caters to those children who have orthopedic problems, cerebral palsy, developmental delays or other physical problems. 

3. The Speech-therapy unit is equipped with an audiometer, a doctor's speech machine, and other assistive devices to cater to those who have speech problems. 

Contact Information

Aakanksha Lions School for Mentally Handicapped
Avanti Vihar
Raipur - 492006
Mobile Ph: 9826702443 - Mohit Sahu (CEO) / 9827128346 - Dr Neeta Mukherjee (Chief Co-ordinator / Administrator)

Phone: 0771-4013771 (fax and phone) / 0771-4035441 (phone)

Email: reachus@aakankshaindia.org

Website: http://aakankshaindia.org/?feed=rss2


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