Shell Netherlands Ph.D. program scholarship cum employment offer in Bangalore

Shell is setting up a Computational Centre of Excellence in Bengaluru, India with the aim to foster cutting-edge computational R&D. Shell has teamed up with Universities in The Netherlands to define a broad program in computational sciences in various disciplines of science and engineering. The company is inviting candidates to apply for scholarships for a Ph.D. in a University in The Netherlands with effect from the academic year 2014-2015.

Who can Apply
  • You should have a demonstrated affinity and strong motivation for computational research.
  • You should be eager to work on energy challenges in Shell Technology Centre, Bangalore (STCB)
  • You should have a recent or expected Master’s Degree (or equivalent Post Graduate qualification) in engineering or science.
The program features
  • All courses are offered in English
  • You will have access to internships at Shell’s R&D centre in Europe, USA or India (Bengaluru)
  • You will participate in summer schools, workshops and visists to prestigious research institutes and Universities
  • 4 year temporary employment by the Dutch Foundation for Fundamental Research on Matter against a gross annual salary (for the 4-year term) in the range of €28,000 - €36,000, as well as a comprehensive package of employee benefits
  • Annual visits to the home country
  •  Upon successful completion of the Ph.D., you may join the Computational Centre of Excellence in STCB for a career in Advanced Computation.
Last date for submitting application: 25th August 2013

Academic session starting in: September 2014

To know more and apply online visit:


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