Army Welfare Education Society job vacancies for School Principal

The Army Welfare Education Society (AWES) promotes education for the wards of army personnel. There are pre-primary schools, public schools and colleges under its wing. The AWES is recruiting experienced people for the post of Principal at 2 of its English-medium schools.

Details of AWES Principal Job
The post of Principal is at: 
1. AS Sri Ganganagar (classes up to Std.XII)
Location: Rajasthan

2. APS Bathinda (classes up to Std.XII)

Location: Bathinda Cantt. (Punjab) - 151004  

Qualification & Experience: As per CBSE Bye-Laws

Age: Below 50 years (for Ex-servicemen below 58yrs) 

How to Apply
1. For both vacancies, submit your application on plain paper enclosing Bio-Data along with Photograph, copies of experience certificates/testimonials and any other details. 

2. Send your application to:
Director, AWES
HQ South Western Command
Selection Process: Shortlisted candidates based on Biodata will be invited for a panel interview.

All details for this job vacancy is available at:


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