Bureau of Energy Efficiency training program for energy professionals March-April 2014

The Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE), under the GEF-World Bank Project 'Financing Energy Efficiency at MSMEs', is organising a series of sector-specific hands-on training program at the Center of Excellence for Training in Energy Efficiency (CETEE), Chennai.

Aim of the Training Program
The program aims to enhance the skills of energy professionals, such as energy auditors, energy managers, supervisors, etc, who have experience of identifying & implementing energy efficiency interventions in MSMEs.

Batch size: 25 participants per program


Fees: There is no participation fee. However, you will need to bear the costs of to & fro travel to CETEE, Chennai, where the training program will be held.

Tentative Schedule of the Program

Topic / SectorDurationProposed Dates
Electrical Systems3 days3rd - 5th March 2014
Forging2 days20th - 21st March 2014
Chemical2 days7th - 8th April 2014

How to Register 
1. Check details of each program and fill in the registration form at: http://beeindia.in/schemes/documents/wordBank/Program_Brochure.pdf

2. The completed registration form has to be sent by email to:
Mr. Bhavesh Swami, Manager-Media and Awareness, BEE-GEF-World Bank Project
Ph: 011-26179699, Extn.-278 / email: save-energy@beenet.in

For further information visit www.beeindia.in
Email: save-energy@beenet.in
Ph: 011-26179699 / Fax: +91-11-26178352
Bureau of Energy Efficiency
4th Floor, Sewa Bhawan,
R.K.Puram, New Delhi-110066


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