Govt. of Maharashtra Pandit Bhimsen Joshi Youth Scholarship Scheme 2014-2015

The Directorate of Cultural Affairs, Government of Maharashtra, invites applications for 2014-2015 from students who are bright and need a scholarship for higher education in classical music. There are 12 scholarships on offer, 6 for instrumental and 6 for vocal. Applications should be submitted latest by 15th June, 2014.

Scholarship Amount & Duration: Rs.5000/- per month for 2 years

Eligibility Criteria

1. Student should be maximum 25 years of age

2. Annual family income should be less than or up to 6lakh p.a.

3. Student should not have availed of any similar scholarship scheme.


How to Apply
1. Read the terms and conditions for eligibility of the scholarship and fill in the application form provided at:

2. Submit the duly filled-in application form to:

The Directorate of Cultural Affairs,
Old Secretariat Extension Building, 1st floor,
Mumbai - 400032

Last date of submission: 15th June, 2014, 5.30p.m.


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