DTE Maharashtra 2014 admissions for post SSC Engineering & Technology Diploma courses

The Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), Maharashtra State has issued the admission notification for admission to the first year of post SSC Diploma courses in Engineering / Technology for the academic year 2014-2015. Applications should be submitted online from 27th June, 2014 to 6th July, 2014.

The Courses
The admission is to first year of three/four year post SSC Diploma courses in Engineering / Technology in Government, Government-aided & unaided polytechnics/institutes which are part of this admission process for the academic year 2014-2015.

Eligibility Criteria
  • You should be an Indian national.
  • You should have passed the SSC (Std.X) exam of Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education or its equivalent exam. In this exam, you should have scored 35% minimum marks in aggregate (see online information brochure to know what aggregate it is for State Board/ICSE & CBSE students), with subjects like Math/Mathematics, General Science and English.
  • Those CBSE candidates who have passed the Std.X CBSE school level exam are not eligible for diploma admissions as this school exam is not treated as equivalent to the exam of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary & Higher Secondary Education.
  • You are eligible to apply for admission if you have passed Std.X exam of ICSE & CBSE Boards with English,  Science & Mathematics.
  • You are eligible to apply if you are State Board candidate who has passed Mathematics and Science & Technology.
Application Kit
All aspiring candidates must purchase the application kit. The cost of the application kit is Rs.400/- (Rs.300/- for reserved category & persons with disability belonging to Maharashtra State). This has to be paid in cash at the Application Form Receipt Centres (ARCs), a list of which you will find at the website. The kit contains the Application ID and password which will enable you to submit the online application form.

How to Apply
1. Submit your online application form at: www.dtemaharashtra.gov.in/poly2014 once your application ID is activated by the ARC from where you purchased the application kit.

2. Take a printout of the online filled-in application form.
Sign the printout of the application form & attach the requisite copies of documents.

3. Maharashtra State candidates should then report in person at the ARC for confirmation of the application form along with attested true copies and original documents for verification.

4. Other than Maharashtra candidates (OMS candidates) are not eligible for admission through CAP. Such candidates need to contact the unaided institutes for admission to institute level seats.

For all details of the application process & fees please refer: www.dtemaharashtra.gov.in/poly2014

Important Dates
  • Sale of Information Brochure and Application Kit at ARCs: 27th June, 2104, 10a.m. onwards up to 6th July, 2014, 5p.m.
  • Submission of application from online for all candidates: 27th June, 2104, 10a.m. onwards up to 6th July, 2014, 5p.m.
  • Confirmation of application form & document verification in person at ARC for Maharashtra state candidates: 27th June, 2104, 10a.m. onwards up to 6th July, 2014, 5p.m.
  • J&K migrant candidates should send the printed copy of the complete online application form by Post/Courier/in person to: J & K Migrant Admission Center, Principal, S.B.M. Polytechnic, near Cooper Hospital, Vile Parle (W), Mumbai-400056
Check details of complete schedule at the official website.

Additional Notes:
1. ARCs will be open on all days (including Sundays & holidays) between 10a.m. and 5.30p.m. during the admission schedule

2. The institute information brochure will be provided to registered candidates free of cost at the respective ARC.

Contact Information
Directorate of Technical Education, Maharashtra State
3, Mahapalika Marg,
Post Box No.1967,
Ph: (022) 22620601 / 22690602
Email: desk10@dte.org.in
Website: www.dtemaharashtra.gov.in/poly2014


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