How to select a good residential school in India

Planning to get your child admitted to a residential school in India? Get some tips here to know about selecting the right residential school. Learn too about some of the benefits and downsides of your child studying in a residential school.

Benefits of Residential Schools
  • The campus space of a residential school is vast with plenty of academic infrastructure and facilities for extra-curricular activities.
  • The peer Pressure is less, so there are fewer chances of getting stressed out & frustrated due to competitiveness.
  • Image issues are not as high as in a city school.
  • The students have more time to discover their individual talents.
  • A residential school provides the student with an opportunity to learn subjects beyond the given certification, with co-curricular activities like arts, crafts & music being encouraged
Drawbacks of Residential Schools
  • A child may find it difficult to adjust in an environment away from his/her own family members, no matter how "homely" the school may be.
  • Extra strict discipline and too rigid rules may create pressure on the child, maybe even make him/her rebellious.
  • A shy child may find it tough to get along with his/her peers.

How to select the right Residential School
  • The fees of a residential school are generally much higher than regular day schools. Make sure that you can really afford it. At the outset itself find out what are the costs for every little thing so that in the middle of a semester you are not jolted by some additional costs. For example, if the students are being taken on a mandatory field trip out of town, you should be aware of this so that you can keep aside money for it. Is there any possibility of a hike in tuition fee in the second semester? Find out!
  • Do not let your decision be based solely on the beautiful campus photos of the school’s website. Visit the campus in person to check out the infrastructure and facilities, especially the accommodation facilities, medical care & security.
  • Know the details of not just the academic subjects available for your child, but also the options available for co-curricular & extra-curricular options. Find out, for example, if it is mandatory for your child to take up a specific sport or there are options of the types of sports he/she can enjoy.
  • Make it a point to get in touch with ex-students & their parents to get first-hand feedback and reviews of the school. You can go online and check out if there are is a group of ex-students who have initiated a website for a specific year’s batch (there always is one!). Leave a comment in their forum or use their 'contact us' page to know about the school.
  • It is important to know the disciplinary standards of the school. Is it extra strict for misdemeanors such as coming late to class or talking in the class?
  • You should know the school rules about contacting your child. Are you allowed to call up to speak to your child whenever you like or are there specific days and times for communication? Can you visit your child every weekend or are only once-a-month visits allowed?


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