2016 IIHS Urban Fellows Programme (UFP) Bangalore
The Indian Institute for Human Settlements (IIHS) invites applications from recent graduates and young professionals for its Urban Fellows Programme (UFP). Through this program you will undergo an intensive learning process to develop your professional skills in the urban sector. The program will commence in August 2016 and successful candidates will graduate in May 2017.
About the program
There are 6 learning modules in the UFP program:
1. The Commons
Infrastructure and Services
Urban Sustainability
Law, Governance and Policy
Identity and Social Practice
Urban Economy
Built Environment and Planning
2. Elective Courses
You have to select 2 of the following 4 elective courses:
Housing for All by 2022 under the Prime Minister’s Awas Yojana
Water and sanitation across Swacch Bharat and AMRUT
Planning, infrastructure and transportation across Smart Cities and AMRUT
Urban employment across Skill India and Make in India.
3. Internship
All participants undergo a 2-month internship, some getting the opportunity to work on live projects.
4. Applied Practica
This involves hands-on experience with actual situations and work problems.
5. Skill Labs
Required Skill Labs:
Quantitative Analysis and Methods
Qualitative Analysis and Methods
Project and Financial Management
Geo-Spatial Information Systems (GIS)
Oral and Public Communication
6. Elective Skill Labs:
Writing: Social Media, Academic Writing and Business Communication
Theatre and Voice
Media and Film
Research Design
6. Immersion Trips
You will go out on field trips to get exposure to the real world's myriad problems.
In addition to the above 6 learning modules, participants will attend Master Classes, that is, lectures and interactions with renowned national & international leaders and urban practitioners.
Eligibility criteria
1. You must be an Indian citizen or be a Person of Indian Origin (PIOs) or an Overseas Citizen of India (OCIs).
2. You must have a Bachelors Degree in any subject or discipline. Those without any formal education after 10+2 can also apply for the fellowship program, especially so if you have some formal or informal work experience in urban sectors.
3. You should not be above 30 years of age at the time of application.
4. You must have basic proficiency in reading English. However, if you are weak in speaking English, support will be available.
Note: Women, people with disabilities & those from economically and socially excluded communities are encouraged to apply for the fellowship program.
The fellowship includes tuition and accommodation and there are no fees. However, you will have to submit a Rs 20,000 deposit to secure your admission, this amount being refunded upon successful completion of the Fellowship. In case of financial need, you can request for a waiver of the deposit. Also, those with significant financial need can apply for an additional living stipend.
Important dates
Admissions begin: 5th April 2016
First deadline: 10th May 2016
Interviews for 1st round of admissions: 12 to 15 May 2016
First admission decisions: 20th May 2016
Second Deadline: 30th May 2016
Interviews for 2nd round of admissions: 2nd and 3rd June 2016
Second admission decisions: 10th June 2016
How to apply
You can apply online or send your application by post. Refer: http://urbanfellows.iihs.co.in/procedure/
Contact information
Admissions Committee
IIHS Bangalore City Campus,
No. 197/36, 2nd Main Road,
IIHS Bangalore City Campus,
No. 197/36, 2nd Main Road,
- 560 080
Email for
queries: ufp.info@iihs.ac.in
Website: http://urbanfellows.iihs.co.in/about/
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