DST KIRAN Government Fellowships for Women Scientists

Looking for government Fellowships for projects by women scientists? The Department of Science and Technology, KIRAN (Knowledge involvement in Research Advancement through Nurturing) Division invites proposals under "Women Scientists Scheme-B (WOS-B)" from women scientists and technologists who wish to utilize their knowledge and temperament to benefit society. The project proposal should address a well-identified societal challenge and deliver possible solutions by way of development of viable technology / technique and/or lab-to technology transfer, its adaption and scaling up.

Eligibility requirements
Women from S&T domain having permanent position / employment are not eligible to apply in the schemed. Women scientists of age group 27 to 57 years having a break in their career and interested in addressing a well-defined/identified societal challenge through visible S&T interventions are encouraged to apply under WOS-B. All such applications will be subject to a rigorous selection process and only the most promising may be extended budgetary support.

Project duration
The project is tenable for a maximum period of three years.

The Fellowship amount under the scheme is as follows:

  • Rs.55,000/- for Ph.D. or equivalent (total project cost not exceeding Rs.30lakhs)
  • Rs.40,000/- for M.Phil./M.Tech. or equivalent (total project cost not exceeding Rs.25lakhs)
  • Rs.30,000/- for M.Sc. or equivalent (total project cost not exceeding Rs.20lakhs)

Note: The total project cost is inclusive of Fellowship of Principal Investigator (PI), Travel, Contingencies and minor equipment, but excludes Overheads.

Selection process
The project proposals received will be examined through internal screening and Principal Investigator (PI) of only such proposals that are ‘screened in’ may be called for presentation before an Expert Committee. The final decision of DST will be communicated to the applicants only after obtaining the requisite administrative and financial approvals.

How to apply
1. Online submission of research proposal can be done through the Electronic Project Management System (e-PMS) at: http://onlinedst.gov.in/Login.aspx. The Principal Investigator has to register at this portal and then upload the proposal in the given format. WOS-B proposal format is available under KIRAN Division and at the DST website.

2. Two hard copies of the submitted research proposal should also be sent by Speed Post to:
Dr. Vandana Singh, Scientist,
Department of Science and Technology,
Technology Bhawan, New Mehrauli Road,
New Delhi-110016

Note: The envelope should be superscribed with ‘Women Scientist Scheme-B (WOS-B)’

Last date of submission: 15th September 2017.


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