R.K.Sarda Vidya Ashram Raipur recruitment of Teachers and Counsellor 2018

Searching for teaching career opportunities in Raipur, Chhattisgarh?  R.K.Sarda Vidya Ashram Raipur, Chhattisgarh invites applications from eligible candidates for teaching positions for the academic session 2018-2019. There is also a vacancy for School Counsellor. 

List of vacancies & Eligibility criteria
1. Kindergarten Teacher: Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university in Sciences/Humanities with English or Maths as one of the subjects; and NTT/B.Ed.

2. PRT Teachers: Subject requirement - English, Hindi and Maths.
Qualification: Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university in Sciences/Humanities with English or Maths or Hindi as one of the subjects and B.Ed.

3. TGTs: Subject requirement: English, Maths, General Science, Social Studies, Hindi, Sanskrit.
Qualification: Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university with at least 50% marks in the concerned subject and B.Ed.

4. Physical Education: M.A. Physical Education / Diploma in Physical Education.

5. Music Teacher: M.A. (Music) / M.Music / Graduate or Diploma in Music with knowledge of classical and modern music.

6. School Counsellor: Master Degree in Psychology or PG Diploma in guidance and counseling from NCERT.

Note: CTET / TET is desirable for all the positions; Candidates should have at least 3 years of relevant experience for all the posts.

How to apply
Send your detailed C.V. by email to: admin@rksva.org and also to: principal@rksva.org, mentioning the post applied for in the subject line, within 10 days of the publication of the recruitment advertisement.
[Reference: Times of India, Mumbai, 29th November 2017, page 17.]


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