Jawahar Kala Kendra Jaipur Film Appreciation Course July 2018

Want to pursue a short-term film appreciation course in India? Jawahar Kala Kendra (JKK), Jaipur has collaborated with Film & Television Institute of India (FTII), Pune to offer a short-term Film Appreciation Course at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. There are 100 seats, with the course being conducted only if at least 80 people register for it. Lodging, boarding and conveyance arrangements need to be made by the participants themselves.

Course modules
The course modules will encompass all aspects of cinema including:
  • Film appreciation
  • Film history
  • Film analysis
  • Film production
You will get the opportunity to analyze a few films, understand the impact of cinema on society and learn about how film heritage is preserved.

Note: A minimum of 90% attendance is mandatory. You will receive a participation certificate on successful completion of the course.

Dates: 10th to 20th July 2018 (excluding Sunday) - Confirm the dates with JKK.
Timings: 10 am to 6 pm 

Rangayan, Jawahar Kala Kendra, 
JLN Marg, 
Jaipur – 302 004, 

Eligibility requirements
1. Age: You must be 18 years or above in age as on 1st July 2018 

2. Nationality: You must be an Indian 

3. Communication skills: You should have adequate knowledge of Hindi and/or English in terms of reading, writing & speaking as the medium of instruction is Hindi and English.

Last date to apply: The last date was earlier 15th June 2018. It has been extended to 25th June 2018.

Course Fee
The fee is Rs 3,500/- per participant.  This should be paid by Demand Draft or with cash. 

In case of Demand Draft payment. the DD should be drawn in favour of "Additional Director General, Jawahar Kala Kendra, Jaipur" and must be payable at Jaipur. The name of the participant, phone/ mobile no., email-id must be clearly mentioned at the back of DD.

In case of cash payment, the payment in can be made only during Jaipur Kala Kendra office hours at the Accounts Section, JKK, Jaipur

How to apply

1. Take a print-out of application form from the website: 
from: http://www.ftiindia.com/FA_jaipur.html

2. Fill in all the details, attach the required Demand Draft of Rs 3,500/- and send by Speed Post/ Courier or deliver it in person to:
Ms. Anuradha Singh, Additional Director General,  

Jawahar Kala Kendra, 
JLN Marg,  
Jaipur – 302 004 
Last date for receipt of application: 25th June 2018 by 5 pm. 

Note: On the envelope of application at top left, write "Application for Film Appreciation Course".

Contact information
For any queries contact Mr. Abdul Lateef Usta on Ph. 09829869519 or 
Send an Email: jkk@rajasthan.gov.in


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