Delhi Public School Bhilai recruitment of Teachers, Nurse and Wardens

Looking for CBSE school teaching jobs in Chattisgarh? Delhi Public School Bhilai, which is a co-ed English medium CBSE school, is recruiting teachers and Wardens for vacant positions from June 2019 onwards.

Teaching vacancies
1. PGTs for English and Accountancy.
2. TGTs for Economics, Physics and Chemistry.
3. PRTs (lady teachers) for Hindi, Computer Science, Physical Eduction, Art & Craft.

Non-teaching vacancies
1. Staff Nurse (lady)
2. Male Warden for Boys’ Hostel on consolidated pay.
3. Female Warden for Girls’ Hostel on consolidated pay.

How to apply
The application form can be downloaded from the school website. Apply on or before 16th March 2019 with a Demand Draft/Banker’s Cheque of Rs.300/- drawn in favour of the Principal, Delhi Public School, payable at Bhilai. This amount can be paid in cash also at the school office between 8a.m. and 12noon on working days. 
Address: Risali Sector, Bhilai (C.G.)-490006.


[Reference: Hindustan Times, Mumbai, 5th March 2019, page 15.]


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