Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya Gwalior recruitment of Teachers, Coaches, Nurse and Staff April 2019

Are you searching for teaching career opportunities in a reputed girls' residential school in India? Looking for work as a school nurse? Scindia Kanya Vidyalaya in Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India is recruiting qualified candidates for various teaching and non-teaching positions for which applications must be sent via email within one week of the recruitment notification.

Teaching vacancies
1. TGT: Hindi and Mathematics.

2. PGT: Economics, Business Studies, Kathak, and Instrumental Music.

3. Part-time Sports Coaches: Basketball, Badminton, Skating, Athletics (track events), Lawn Tennis, Yoga, and Table Tennis.

For all posts: at least three years of experience preferred.

Non-Teaching vacancies
1. Resident Nurse: B.Sc. in Nursing.

2. Security Incharge: Only male candidates should apply.

3. Marketing/Admissions in-charge: Computer knowledge of Word and Excel and English fluency.

How to apply
Send your application and C.V. via email to

Contact information
Address: Moti Mahal Road, Gwalior - 474009, M.P.  
Ph: 0751 2322137, 9522241443

[Reference: TOI, Pune, 24th April 2019, page 12.


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