St. Paul’s Public School Erannapalya Bangalore recruitment of Teachers, Librarian, Staff

Looking for CBSE school teaching jobs in Bengaluru, Karnataka? St. Paul's Public School, Erannapalya, Bangalore invites applications from qualified candidates for the teaching and non-teaching positions. For teaching positions, candidates residing within a radius of 5kms. should apply.

Teaching requirements

1. English: B.A., B.Ed. Literature.
2. B.Sc., B.Ed. qualified Teachers for Physics, Chemistry, Biology, PCM, CBZ.
3. B.A., B.Ed. qualified Teachers for Languages - Hindi, Kannada.
4. B.Ed. qualified Teachers for Computers, Maths.
5. Kindergarten staff: Graduate, Undergraduate, NTT with Montessori.
6. Trained Art and Craft Teacher.

Other vacancies
1. Librarian: The candidate should have the relevant qualification and training.

2. Admin.: Graduate with experience.

How to apply

For further information contact the school office-
Address: No. 52/1, Erannapalya AC Post, Bangalore 560 045.
Ph: 8105823392, 8105823292.

[Reference: Bangalore Mirror, 27th Jan.2021, page 6]


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