Govt. of India Shiksha Puraskar Scheme 2020 Awards for Hindi books

The Central Hindi Directorate, Dept. of Higher Education, Ministry of Education, Govt. of India has announced the annual Shiksha Puraskar Scheme for the year 2020. The five awards of Rs.1,00,000/- each are given to encourage original writings in Hindi in the field of education.

Which books are eligible for the award

Though-provoking originally written books in Hindi are eligible for the awards, and those written by non-Hindi-speaking authors in various fields. 

The fields are inclusive of-

  • Sociology
  • Humanities
  • Basic Science
  • Science and Technology
  • Engineering
  • Medical Sciences 
  • Other subjects related to education. 

However, creative literature, text books, a Thesis, manuscripts, and translated books will not be considered.

Eligibility criteria for the Authors

A writer from any part of India or the publisher on his/her behalf can submit a book under the scheme. Non-resident Indians and foreign scholars are also eligible to apply. Officers and employees of Ministries other than those of the Central Hindi Directorate, and those of the Central Govt./a State Govt. may also apply with the prior permission of their Departments. Writers who have been awarded once under this scheme will not be considered again.

Application Rules

The book should be published between the year 2015 to 2019 only, and the published book must contain at least 200 pages. A book that has been awarded by the Govt. of India/Undertaking/Institutions under it or by a State Govt. or a professional institution will not be considered.

Application process

The prescribed application form can be downloaded from the website of the Directorate –

It is mandatory to submit five copies of the books along with the application (these books will not be returned). The portion of the book displaying the name of the author and that of the publisher should be removed from three out of the five copies and must be rebound before sending to the Directorate. The remaining two copies should be sent as they are.

The entry must be sent to the below address by hand or by post so as to reach within 60 days from the publication of the advertisement (i.e.4th February 2021)-

Gandhari Pangley 
Deputy Director (Vistar) 
Central Hindi Directorate 
West Block no.-7, 
R.K. Puram, 
New Delhi-110006. 
Contact Ph: 011-26105211-234/212. 

[Information has been sourced from a print advt. in the Hindustan Times, Mumbai edition, 4th February 2021, page 7.]


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