Online Infographics and Data Visualization Certificate Program at CPE The New School USA

Are you looking for an online certificate course in Infographics and Data Visualization? The need to convey information with clarity and not merely through words has led to the popularity of courses that teach you to effectively explain data in the form of visuals and graphics. This is where a course in Infographics and Data Visualization Certificate Program comes handy, and an online course offered by a globally reputed institute is a bonus on your C.V.!  So check out the Infographics and Data Visualization Certificate program offered by the Continuing and Professional Education at The New School, Parsons School of Design, U.S.A.

About the Infographics and Data Visualization Certificate program 

Each of the four courses of the certificate program is to be taken online in a specific order and you need to complete the entire program within two years. There will be video lectures with interactive sessions with faculty and industry experts. Hands-on projects are also part of the learning sessions to develop your skills in real-world scenarios.

Total fee: $3,127.

What you learn

The courses of the Infographics and Data Visualization Certificate program include the following-

  1. Data Visualization 101: 9 weeks
  2. Information Design for Infographics and Visual Storytelling: 9 weeks
  3. Data and Analytics for Visualization and Business Intelligence: 9 weeks
  4. Data Visualization Portfolio Development: 6 weeks

Know more about the course

Where to register

Register at:

Contact information

Continuing and Professional Education

66 West 12th Street

New York, NY 10011



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