Government of Andhra Pradesh Tribal Empowerment Fellowship with monthly stipend

The Department of Social Welfare, Government of Andhra Pradesh (GoAP), which primarily focuses on education and welfare activities of Schedule Tribes that are implemented by the Andhra Pradesh Tribal Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (APTWREIS), is inviting applications for the Tribal Empowerment Fellowship. This Fellowship is an opportunity to collaborate with the Govt. on the planning and implementation of policies for school education. You will acquire crucial skills of teamwork and leadership, and get hands-on knowledge of the working of the welfare system. Two Fellows will be selected for the academic section, one for the planning section, and one for the I.T. unit. The assigned section will be determined by your qualification and aptitude. The ability to multi-task, work in a team, learn quickly and be proactive will be an asset.

About the Tribal Empowerment Fellowship

The Fellowship is a full-time one for the duration of two years, with the primary location at the APTWREIS Headquarters in Andhra Pradesh. You should be willing to travel a lot and will be residing and dining in the premises of the schools.

There will initially be an induction program of about one week, followed by a week on the field to get acquainted with field-level operations. Subsequently, you will be assigned to the academic or planning or I.T. section. There is a probationary period of three months that may be extended if necessary, and a performance reviewal will take place every six months. While the successful completion of the Fellowship program does not guarantee a job with the State Govt. or any of its agencies, outstanding work may result in getting an appropriate long-term engagement.

On enrollment to the Fellowship program, you will receive in the first year a monthly stipend between Rs. 50,000/- to Rs. 75,000/-, which will be adjusted on the basis of educational background and relevant work experience. Later there may be an annual increment based on performance up to a maximum of 10%.

Who can apply

1. Educational Qualification criteria: You should have a Master's with at least 60% marks in both, the undergraduate, as well as the postgraduate qualifying exam, and an excellent academic record. It is desirable to have a specialization in the fields of education, public policy, management, social work, business administration, computer science, etc from a reputed national or international institution. Specializations in other fields will also be considered on merit.

In the case of the I.T. unit, it is desirable to have a Bachelors or Masters Degree in the fields of Computer Science or Electronics & ITeS Information technology or Data Analytics or Data Science with reasonably sufficient expertise in developing I.T. solutions. Expertise in Python/Django/rest framework is preferable.

2. Experience criteria: At least two years of work experience that includes roles that indicate leadership skills. Experience in data collection and synthesis of multiple data sources is essential and some experience in implementing and monitoring Govt. schemes or programs will be preferable. In the case of the I.T. unit, it is preferable to have at least two years of experience in Data analytics/Atal innovation.

3. Age criteria: The maximum age limit is 35 years, but this may be relaxed if there are fewer than expected applications.

4. Skills required: You must have excellent verbal and written communication skills, project management skills, and analytical skills. You should have a working knowledge of MS Office or its equivalent.

Application procedure

You have to submit your application online. This includes four essays and the submission of your C.V. The application form can be submitted at-

The last date to submit applications is 15th July 2021.

Contact information

For any queries send an email to-

APTWREIS Head office: Gurukulam, III floor, Moksha sai Plaza, Tadepalli, Guntur-522501, Andhra Pradesh.


Before applying, it is advisable to read the complete details of the Fellowship, including the work that is required for the section that you will be assigned to -


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