GATE Exam papers format

Before reading this blog post, get a basic understanding of what GATE is and the detailed information about it here and know about the GATE 2015 schedule here. Then read the information below which is specifically on the GATE exam format.

What type of questions will be asked in the GATE paper?
All GATE papers will have the same type of questions based on the core subject of the paper: (1) Multiple choice questions (known as MCQ) and (2) Numerical answer type questions. In addition, the paper will also include a few General Aptitude questions (these will test your language and analytical skills). 

Where can I get online the pattern of GATE question papers?
You can check out some sample GATE question papers here to know the pattern.

You can also get at discounted prices subject-wise previous years' solved papers online here

What is the duration of GATE?
GATE is for 3 hours.

How many questions are there in a GATE paper?
A GATE paper has totally 65 questions.

What is the sequence of questions of a GATE paper?
There is no fixed sequence. The questions will appear on the computer screen in a random sequence.

What is the manner in which the questions have to be answered?
(1) In the case of MCQs, you have to select the answer
(2) In the case of a numerical type question, you have to enter the answer
Important note: In the case of both (1) and (2), you will not be using the physical keyboard of the computer as this keyboard will be disabled. You will have to use the virtual keyboard which appears on the screen & with the help of the mouse give your answers.

Suppose I want to do some calculations, can I bring along blank sheets of paper?
No, you are not allowed to bring along blank sheets of paper. These will be provided to you for any rough work you need to do. However, you cannot take home these papers. All such papers (used and unused) must be returned after the GATE exam.

Will there be any extension beyond the 3-hour duration?
No. As soon as the 3 hours end, the computer will automatically close the screen so that you will be prevented from doing any further actions. 


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